A little about me...

Hey :) My name is Sarah and yes and I am a make-up junkie, but first and foremost I am a wife. I created this blog because I love to write and share ideas with people. I wanted to combine a few of my passions, writing, make-up, fashion, lists, music, being a wife, into one fun outlet. Plus I have horrible insomnia so what better way to spend my nights :) I hope you enjoy and maybe even learn a thing or two. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Make-Up Site Of The Day 2-15-11

Hey ladies :)

Here is your website of the day! If you are serious about make-up then you need to check out this site. Through it you can get the Make-Up Artist Magazine which is full of helpful information and interesting articles. It also has links to make-up books and information on IMATS. Check it out and tell me what you think.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Make-Up Site of the Day 1-25-11 - Pro Kit Info


This site was written by a professional make-up artist for other pro's, but the information provided is great for any make-up lovers.

This has the be the best site for information on what to store in your kit. There are so many products out there, and just because it is great for personal use doesn't mean it will work for your kit. This website gives you examples for everything from exfoliates to lip liners. It's very well organized and it's updated often.

Here's a great excerpt from the website:
"REALITY CHECK:  Most major cosmetic companies (corporations) spend millions of dollars on eye catching packaging, exotic ingredients, luxuriously beautiful bottles and sleek stylish compacts. They make bold statements with provocative advertising.  They BUY "unbiased" editorial coverage by giving magazine publishers BIG advertising dollars.  They also BUY the devotion of beauty editors by showering them with free products and expensive gifts. (If you were wondering who pays for all of this bribery...LOOK IN THE MIRROR)"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Make-Up Site Of The Day 1-23-11

I'm going to be starting a new thing on this blog, make-up sites of the day. I am a huge fan of browsing the interwebs for fun new sites. Have quite a list compiled, I would like to share them with as many of you as possible. I will tell you what it is and why I like it, with some cons thrown in there if applicable of course.

First up!


This is a site I discovered quite a while ago while searching for professional make-up artist supplies. It carries all the great brands such as Graftobia, Beauty Blender and Alcone. Prices are reasonable, and they do offer a pro discount. Free shipping on orders over $60 and they have specials every now and then so make sure you sign up for the newsletter. The sites easy to navigate, a bit primitive but it's got the basics. Check it out!

Monday, September 14, 2009

First Blog!!

So this is exciting. My first blog. Yay. It's 3:13 in the morning and I can't sleep. Probably had something to do with sleeping in till 1pm this afternoon, but then again this happens a lot so maybe not. So you've stumbled upon my blog somehow (yay :) ) and are probably wondering why I say that I am "not your typical make-up geek" well maybe I should tell you a little about myself so you'll understand. I love make-up and I am addicted to buying it, applying it, researching it, and making it, hence the make-up geek part. The not so typical part comes from that fact that that is about the only girly thing about me. Well that and I like boys :) OK and I like the occasional shopping day. But that's as far as I get on the girly spectrum. You see I grew up with all boys. I have an older brother and I spent most of my life trying to fit in with him and his friends. I can not even tell you have many hours I've spend watching video games, X-Games, baseball, wrestling, and other typical guy stuff. Of course I was rarely aloud to participate but I took it all in. Add on top of that that my dad was a carpenter and I was definitely a daddies girl so I know my way around the construction site. All of that has molded me in to the woman I am today the, not so tidy, kind of clumsy, video game loving, Star Trek watching, girly tomboy :) I don't have many girl friends (never have) to share my love of make-up with, so I have to get it out somehow! That's why I started my YouTube channel (check it out please!) and now this blow. I'm going to try to go to bed now but I hope you come by and see me again. Bye :)